Workshop Facilitation
I facilitate creative writing workshops where we support one another to discover the creative writer within. Through writing prompts and positive feedback, we find our own unique voice. I am pleased to be part of a community of creative writing facilitators who are accredited through Amherst Artists and Writers (AWA).
Workshops may be a one day event or a series of workshops; on-line or in-person.
Many of the workshops have been in partnership with the non-profit housing provider, Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) where I have the privilege of writing with women and youth from many cultural, racial and faith backgrounds. A diversity of social classes, abilities and countries of origin enriches our learning and creativity.
As a white woman, I am always learning how not to put my own world view in the centre, but create a space where all our life experiences are valued. In a world mired with inequities, we aim to create inclusive, brave spaces where we each can express our truth and dream possibilities.
We draw on our lived experiences and imaginations to image an Earth where all people and creatures belong. Like drops on water, we release our dreams, our fears, our imaginations that ripple out reshaping ourselves, one another and the world around us.
The posts on this site were written on the traditional territory of the Anishinabe-Algonquin people. I thank Indigenous peoples of Turtle Island for traditional teachings on how to care for All our relations.
“…..Not just those who look like me, sing like me, dance like me, pray like me or behave like me. ALL my relations. That means every person just as it means every rock, blade of grass and creature. We live because everything else does.”
– Ojibway author and poet, Richard Wagamese, Embers